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AnyDoc Software, President, Samuel L. Schrage: View from the Top

Capture: The First Step to Knowledge Management

Many companies strategize the best means for storing their data and document images, but often forget to consider HOW to get that data into their system accurately and efficiently. With proven high performance, a data capture solution is a core component of the paperless office, simultaneously working alongside complementary technologies such as classification to drive document processing costs even lower.

By replacing manual processes including document sorting, routing, and manual data entry with automation, critical information is available faster. Armed with accurate data, organizations can make better decisions in a fraction of the time and significantly reduce costs. And combined with business process management (BPM), organizations can further optimize efficiency with tools including real-time access to process statuses, cash flow, employee workloads, and more.

Data can be automatically captured from nearly any type of document—from both structured forms and unstructured documents such as invoices, remittances, or checks.

Capabilities include:

  • Template-free data capture
  • Capture of line-item details
  • Automatic validation to ensure accurate data
  • Classification to eliminate manual sorting and routing
  • Distributed capture for centralized processing
  • Business analytics and workflow

Because today’s data capture solutions fully integrate with both front-end hardware and back-end storage systems, a seamless document processing flow is created. All captured and validated data can be transferred to nearly any back-end ECM, ERP, or document management system, including SharePoint, SAP, OnBase, IBM, DocuWare, and OpenText.

Learn more about the power of data capture, classification, and BPM at http://www.anydocsoftware.com/

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