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Enhancing peer review in the publishing process

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is implementing two applications from Collexis for its publishing process. The organization has licensed Collexis’ Reviewer Finder and Journal Dashboard for its six cancer research publications.

Diane Scott-Lichter, publisher of AACR, says, "The Reviewer Finder application will certainly enhance and improve our peer review process as we continuously strive to target the most appropriate reviews. The Journal Dashboard will provide us with key insights concerning the positioning of our journals in the area of cancer research."

The Reviewer Finder helps publishing organizations reduce the time it takes to identify the most qualified reviewers by automatically suggesting best matching reviewers for a manuscript, Collexis says. It adds that Reviewer Finder, which is integrated into the publishing workflow solution that AACR uses, enhances security by identifying potential conflicts of reviewers based on co-authorship and institutional affiliation.

The Journal Dashboard provides AACR with a complex view to analyze the portfolio of a journal, to compare it on a granular basis to others, and to understand author patterns and emerging trends, thereby providing insight for strategic decisions on positioning and further development, according to Collexis.

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