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The Future of the Future: Building the enterprise of the future: a framework for transformation

Organization: New organizational designs


Guiding Principle


Focus Areas



Collaboration is effective, efficient and pervasive

Systems Thinking

  • The principles of complex adaptive systems are understood and applied
  • Self-organizing is encouraged and supported
  • Organizational boundaries are minimized
  • The workforce understands, expects, promotes and manages change







  • The right expertise can be tapped when needed
  • Social network analysis is practiced and applied





  • Business processes, including processes for making business decisions, are understood and continually improved
  • Process automation is maximized; administrative and non-value-added burdens are minimized






  • Techniques for successful virtual collaboration are practiced and refined
  • Open communications and the free flow of knowledge across the enterprise are practiced




Rating total (maximum = 20):  ______

Total Organization Score (maximum = 25):  25 x (rating total) ÷ 20  =  ______

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