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Northern Light SinglePoint Users Receive Well-Informed Answers to their Specific Market & Competitive Intelligence Questions

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Northern Light pioneered the use of machine learning in enterprise knowledge management systems optimized for market research and competitive intelligence in 2017. Now it is extending that leadership by implementing generative AI – specifically, the GPT-3.5 Turbo large language model, via OpenAI or Microsoft Azure – to enable users of Northern Light SinglePoint™ portals to instantly receive well-informed answers to their specific questions, drawing upon only reliable, authoritative content sources.

Northern Light’s generative AI “question answering” feature has two components:

First, in response to a user’s question, the system examines documents on a search result and attempts to answer the user’s question from each document, providing a short summary answer drawn from each listed document.

Secondly, the generative AI distills the document-specific answers into an “Executive Summary.” This is a more efficient, synthesized version of the answers, and an excellent starting point for any research initiative. The documents that contributed to each summary observation are cited and hot linked so a user can click through to consume any of the contributing documents. Significantly, by embedding citations and hotlinks in its generative AI content, Northern Light ensures SinglePoint summaries are copyright compliant – a potential issue when utilizing publicly available web-based content such as industry news – and do not leave users open to charges of plagiarism.

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Northern Light
Web: https://northernlight.com
Phone: (617) 674-2074
Email: priscilla@northernlight.com

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