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SearchBlox Executive Vision

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Generative AI for Search Increases Findability

Many companies are adjusting their online strategies for external stakeholders—customers, members, etc.—in anticipation of an economic downturn. In addition, remote workforces continue to change the way teams get work done—requiring that digital tools for employees work smarter. These changing dynamics are fueling explosive growth for Generative AI models that help people find content faster by automatically generating content, instead of just repeating tasks. SearchBlox Software has integrated this into our intelligent search engine to dramatically increase content findability.

Our SmartFAQs™ use Generative AI to automatically produce text and replace manually produced FAQs which are limiting and cumbersome. The product embeds answers within search results by automatically generating questions related to your content. This allows end users to find specific answers, content, and documents, faster. And it decreases the workload of content managers. Another example of Generative AI is our SmartSuggest™ product which goes beyond “auto complete” technology by offering suggestions based on generated user intents.

We are constantly evaluating Generative AI models for possible integration into our future products. The capabilities and number of these models continue to increase, and we don’t see this trend slowing down anytime soon. It is an area within AI that produces practical value for large organizations. As accuracy continues to increase, Generative AI represents more than a KM strategy, it is directly related to solving real business problems.

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SearchBlox Software, Inc.

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