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Business & Competitive Intelligence Market Sourcebook: Coemergence Inc

Coemergence offers the next stage of competitive advantage for professionals who find, analyze or act on critical business information. Its software solution, ACIS®, utilizes a networked intelligence methodology that provides individual users and companies with both a broad and detailed picture of their competitive business environment. The solution captures the strategically rich "water-cooler" knowledge that exists in the discussions people have with clients, partners, suppliers, peers, consultants and others in the marketplace. By weaving this previously uncaptured intelligence with with structured and unstructured information, ACIS® elicits the foresight necessary to quickly and effectively identify and act on opportunities and threats.

Coemergence, Inc
800-1791 Barrington Street
Halifax NS B3J 3K9 Canada

Phone: 902-482-6645
Fax: 902-492-0200
E-Mail: info@coemergence.com
Web: www.coemergence.com

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