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  • June 22, 2022
  • News

Verint announces Total Quality to incorporate the customer perspective of quality across all channels

Verint, The Customer Engagement Company, announced Verint Total Quality, a strategic, holistic approach to elevating quality across the enterprise, driving employee engagement, performance improvement, compliance adherence, and an overall exceptional customer experience. The announcement was made during the company’s Verint Engage 2022 customer conference.

The Total Quality approach enables companies to increase the number of channels and interactions that are monitored, reduce the risk of non-compliance, infuse the process with the customer perspective of quality, and automate real-time coaching to guide calls to a positive outcome.

Verint’s Customer Engagement Cloud Platform allows customers to start anywhere in the quality model and add any level of analytics, AI, or automation capabilities they need, when they need it, quickly and easily, according to the vendor.

Verint’s Total Quality approach provides automation for improved efficiency while uniting quality teams and supervisors via one standardized set of tools.

Automation assists in the monitoring and evaluation, reducing the risk of undiscovered non-compliant issues that could result in fines.

Resources can then be reassigned to more strategic tasks, such as coaching or training new hires. Real-time coaching assists agents in the moment and helps resolve issues as they are happening.

“Verint’s innovative Total Quality approach ensures that organizations can automate evaluations and incorporate the customer perspective of quality across all channels, in order to provide the right feedback and coaching to their workforce, avoid and mitigate compliance issues, and achieve further reduction of handle time all while increasing customer satisfaction,” said Verint’s David Singer, vice president, go-to-market strategy.

Verint Cloud Platform solutions comprising the company’s Total Quality approach include:

  • Verint Automated Quality Management autoscores up to 100% of interactions—voice and digital—for greater quality and compliance. The solution also triggers alerts and presents the results of coaching sessions.
  • Verint Interaction Quality integrates the customers’ perception of quality into the quality management scorecards and evaluations, providing insights into the impact of agent and bot behavior.
  • Verint Real-Time Coaching relies on capabilities of Verint Real-Time Agent Assist and uses advanced AI to listen to customer calls as they happen and automatically identify opportunities to guide interactions toward better outcomes. The application can identify a variety of coaching opportunities and offer immediate advice to the agent regarding knowledge, empathy, and compliance.
  • Verint Performance Management displays employee key performance indicators (KPIs) in role-appropriate scorecards, giving employees daily and intraday visibility into objective, data-driven assessments of their performance.

For more information about this news, visit www.verint.com.

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