Quicker, better answers
Inquira has released iConnect for Siebel Contact Center, an enterprise knowledge solution that integrates with Oracle Siebel Contact Center desktop. iConnect for Siebel Contact Center offers service agents one-click access to InQuira's complete knowledge management capabilities to expedite responses to customer inquiries and improve the quality of customer care.
Inquira reports key features of iConnect for Siebel Contact Center include guided assistance, linked answers, smart excerpts and managed answers. This feature set is said to maximize agent productivity and enhance the customer experience by arming agents with the information they need in an easily digestible format, enabling them to address customer inquiries in the fastest and most accurate way possible. Siebel Service Request data, such as product information and request summaries, provides context for agents' searches, while InQuira's natural language processing (NLP) capabilities understand the true intent behind customer inquiries to help agents find answers more quickly. Additionally, iConnect for Siebel Contact Center provides historical context, summaries of relevant knowledge articles and other content related to customer requests.