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  • October 5, 2011
  • News

Nuxeo for content management

Nuxeo has released its Integrated Development Environment (IDE), a plug-in that brings support into Eclipse for the Nuxeo platform.

The company says its platform has been designed to be highly customizable and extensible, enabling developers and solution architects to build content management applications that correspond to diverse use cases. The large majority of customization work can be managed by Nuxeo Studio, which the company describes as a graphical toolset for configuring Nuxeo Platform applications.

However, extending the Nuxeo Platform to create new features requires more advanced development work, including writing new source code, previously reserved only for experienced Java developers familiar with the Nuxeo Platform. The company claims that for content management application builders who want to create sustainable solutions based on the Nuxeo Platform, the Nuxeo IDE Eclipse plug-in enables efficient, streamlined development that capitalizes on, and complements, the Nuxeo Studio configuration environment.

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