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  • January 31, 2011
  • News

Nuxeo debuts Studio 2.0

Nuxeo has introduced Studio 2.0, its customization and design environment delivered as a service. Version 2.0 of the open source content management system exposes new design tools to help application developers build and deploy new features, content types, automations and views of managed information.

The company explains Nuxeo Studio 2.0 includes:

Content view configuration. The high level of configurability enables easy development of business data views that are well adapted to the organizational context.

Notifications. E-mail templates can be defined, with attachments and optional HTML, and included in content automation chains, meaning that a specific type of e-mail notification, with specified content, can be triggered for defined types of events.

User groups. It is now possible to define users and groups within Nuxeo Studio, making role configuration easier and enforces the accuracy of the customization deployment.

Widget configuration. In Studio, a widget is a reusable component that defines the appearance and behavior of an input field in a form. Studio 2.0 provides configuration options for widgets, including the ability to dynamically control their display depending on contextual information (e.g. user, document type, etc.) so that they are, say, read-only, hidden or editable.

Content transformation. New capabilities enable Nuxeo Studio users to quickly and easily set up XML and HTML formats or any textual format transformation of business content for external publishing and exporting.

Ergonomic improvements. This new version of Nuxeo Studio comes with improved documentation and improved ergonomic features as requested by Studio users.

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