FindLaw premieres Legal Pulse has premiered FindLaw Legal Pulse, a product that provides a new content area offering continuously updated legal headlines from around the world, along with news, photo feeds and analysis from such sources as Reuters, the Associated Press, New York Times and Washington Post.
Legal Pulse covers a wide spectrum of law-related topics—from Supreme Court decisions to legislative updates, everyday legal issues, as well as sports and celebrity news. claims Legal Pulse is more than a simple news aggregation offering by emphasizing the following capabilities:
- additional legal-focused content from the FindLaw network;
- a dynamic social media presence with blog posts and a real-time Twitter commentary stream from attorneys around the country; and
- a system that dynamically customizes content to a user's interests—when a site visitor searches for news on a specific subject, FindLaw Legal Pulse serves up related topics, allowing the user to dig deeper into the matter.