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  • December 1, 2010
  • News

Collaborate completely

Traction Software has announced new TeamPage capabilities to help teams work together more effectively. Traction TeamPage Release 5.1 makes it easy for individuals to see their own action plans, the status of shared projects, team workload, individual progress and team progress toward common goals--all within the context of the TeamPage collaboration and communication platform where the planned work can also be managed or done.

Traction TeamPage Release 5.1 highlights include:

  • action tracking seamlessly integrated with TeamPage collaboration and communication capabilities;
  • each TeamPage Space can have an Action and Calendar tab to collect, navigate and track actions in a particular private or public business context;
  • each TeamPage Profile page can have an Action and Calendar tab to collect, navigate and track actions associated with that individual;
  • automatic rollup of tasks by person--across all spaces you have permission to see;
  • automatic rollup of tasks by space—focused on one business context;
  • automatic rollup of tasks across all spaces--that you can see; 
  • automatic rollup of tasks open/tasks completed--by person or space;
  • automatic rollup of estimated work required--by person or space;
  • summary and navigation of tasks grouped by Milestone—a sharable date with a name;
  • summary and navigation of tasks grouped by Project—a named collection of tasks and milestones;
  • automatically maintained Action Tracking Calendar--viewable by person, by space or rolled up across all spaces you have permission to see;
  • subscribe to Action Tracking calendars in Outlook, Google Calendar and other iCal compatible calendaring systems;
  • TeamPage integrated search, navigation and e-mail or Jabber notification handles tasks along with all other types of activity;
  • task activity becomes visible (and can be filtered) as part of the TeamPage activity stream viewed by space, or by person as part of each person’s profile;
  • action tracking uses Traction’s Google Web Toolkit-based Proteus user interface technology for a user experience that looks and feels more like a client application than a typical Web interface; and
  • TeamPage Microsoft Outlook Social Connector--Show task, status, other activity and profiles in Microsoft Outlook to provide social context when using Outlook e-mail, calendars and Microsoft Office applications.

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