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An analytic BI experience from Birst

Cloud business intelligence and analytics provider Birst has unveiled Birst 5X, delivering an Adaptive User Experience that transforms how people work with data. The company says Birst 5X is designed to adapt to each person’s unique style for working with data, without fitting people into rigid user roles that stifle curiosity and creativity. The Adaptive User Experience includes updates to Birst Dashboards and Visual Discovery Capabilities, an enhanced Birst Mobile experience (including offline analytics) and introduces an Open Client Interface that enables people to continue with their preferred front-end tool, such as Tableau, Microsoft Excel or R, and to analyze a trusted source of data in Birst’s User Data Tier.

Birst reports that in contrast with other solutions that offer different products and interfaces, Birst 5X delivers an integrated experience that breaks down the walls between dashboards and visual discovery, enabling people to seamlessly transition between modes so they can both produce and consume insights. Further, it says, an enhanced mobile experience that includes support for disconnected analysis gives users access to business critical information anytime, anywhere, and gives people the ability to interact with live data with or without network connectivity.

The company adds that Birst 5X supports “responsive design,” which adjusts the presentation of the content depending on the form factor. A “build once, deploy anywhere” model eliminates the need to develop multiple copies of a dashboard in order to view it on different devices. Additionally a new Open Client Interface in Birst 5X extends a company’s existing business ecosystem. The interface enables users who have already adopted another front-end tool, such as Microsoft Excel, Tableau or R, to use their product of choice with Birst, delivering self-service without sacrificing governance, Birst explains.

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