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Biomedical research lab deploys search solution

A non-profit genetics research institute in Maine is using Oracle technology to help employees and visitors to its Web site find the information they need.

In order to provide more relevant, secure and customizable search results about its research and services, The Jackson Laboratory has deployed Oracle Secure Enterprise Search. The new system searches thousands of electronic documents and datasheets, and delivers relevant results to users through the organization's public Web site, Oracle reported recently in a press release.

Oracle adds that the solution helps ensure that search results display only information that users are authorized to view and conserves resources by enabling The Jackson Laboratory to use the same system for public and employee searches.

"Oracle Secure Enterprise Search makes it easier and more productive for our employees and visitors to our Web site to find the information they need. Equally important, it enables us to gain insight into what people are searching for and easily refine results accordingly, without the need for IT resources," says Patricia Eagan, senior manager of Web communications at The Jackson Laboratory.

Based on the success of the first phase of the deployment, the Laboratory plans to implement the product's federated search capabilities across multiple databases and leverage its clustering features to improve information display and search result categorization, Oracle reports.

The research organization has also deployed Oracle Database and Oracle E-Business Suite to improve its business processes and organizational performance.

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