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KMWorld Guide - Participation

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The KMWorld Guide to KM Trends, Products, and Services is packed with leading vendors offering real solutions to knowledge management dilemmas that will help users gain and maintain control of their enterprise environment.

The KMWorld Guide is the only industry sourcebook serving the combined market for:

  • Document, Content and Knowledge Management
  • Business Process Management
  • Intelligent Search
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing
  • Customer Experience
  • Collaboration and Workflow
  • Information Governance and Security
  • Records Management and E-Discovery
  • Business Intelligence and Analytics
  • Taxonomies and Metadata
  • SharePoint
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Intranets and Portals
  • Image, Forms, and Document Capture

In Print - The Guide is mailed with KMWorld's May/June issue.

Online Listing - Your online presence begins on the kmworld.com website immediately and continues for a full year.

Lead Generation - The Guide is also made available in PDF format at kmworld.com. All participants are included in the PDF. Diamond Sponsors gain access to contact information for everyone who downloads the PDF.  A minimum of 150 leads guaranteed!

For additional information or answers to specific questions, contact: 

LaShawn Fugate, Account Executive
Phone: 859-361-0667
Email: lashawn@infotoday.com

Stephen Faig, Group Sales Director
121 Chanlon Road 
New Providence NJ 07974
Office: 908-795-3702 
Cell: 973-224-2930 
Email: sfaig@infotoday.com