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KMWorld NewsLinks - March 09, 2021


KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management 2021

Flexibility, agility, and the ability to pivot have always been critical to successful companies, no more so than now. Forward-thinking businesses don't want to merely survive; they want to dominate their market sectors. But to thrive, all organizations must have the right tools and products so they can break down information silos, better understand the experiences of their customers and employees, see hidden connections, expand collaboration, enable AI and machine learning where it is feasible, and take advantage of automation to streamline processes.


Hyland Software purchases Nuxeo

Nuxeo will bring significant industry experience, product innovation to Hyland

Accenture to acquire industrial robotics and automation solutions provider Pollux

Pollux provides solutions to optimize manufacturing and logistics processes

KnowledgeLake and ibml collaborate to deliver high volume content processing

Alliance will focus on helping enterprises quickly deploy high-volume automated and intelligent document processing in the cloud


That data inside your company walls? It’s leaving you with blind spots.

Any knowledge management professional will tell you that just getting all of a company's internal data together and organized so it can be of use to its employees is a mountain of a task