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KMWorld NewsLinks - November 17, 2020


David Weinberger talks information organization in a more digitally connected world at KMWorld Connect 2020

David Weinberger discussed "Miscellaneous Organization in the AI Age" during his KMWorld Connect 2020 presentation

Zach Wahl breaks down KM by the numbers at KMWorld Connect 2020 

According to Zach Wahl, CEO the consultancy Enterprise Knowledge, by focusing on quantifying the business value of KM in clear terms of hard ROI and meaningful returns for the organization you can ensure that KM will stay a priority for your organization

2020 KM Promise Award Winner:

The winners of the KM Promise and KM Reality awards are designed to celebrate the success stories of knowledge management

2020 KM Reality Award Winner: Prudential Financial

The winners of the KM Promise and KM Reality awards are designed to celebrate the success stories of knowledge management