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KMWorld NewsLinks - December 18, 2018


Discovering Knowledge Insights with Cognitive Computing

This roundtable webinar discusses cognitive computing and what it can do for your organization

Contentful Adds $33.5 Million in Series D Funding to Deliver Content Infrastructure for the Modern Technology Stack

Funding will be used to expand strategic partnerships, deepen third-party integrations, and empower digital content practitioners

How Improper Document Management Inhibits Employee Productivity

Report reveals 96% of employees face difficulty finding most recent versions of documents

KM In Practice

Western Digital updates business processes with Oracle Cloud

Western Digital combines core business systems on Oracle ERP Cloud to deliver greater business intelligence, agility and value to customers


I’ll Be [Working From] Home for Christmas: Tackling Remote Workforce Challenges this Holiday Season

Document security and collaboration issues must be addressed up-front to ensure a smooth holiday season for the workforce and the business