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KMWorld Cover

May 2015, [Volume 24, Issue 5]


Records management in the cloud: a multidimensional issue

How communities and networks support enterprise content management

Best-practice organizations use peer feedback and recommendations to guide their content strategies and connect people to the best stuff.

Case management provides positive customer experiences

While many knowledge management solutions have supported business by making it run more efficiently, only a few have directly addressed the daily needs of knowledge workers. Business process management (BPM) software, for example, automates predictable processes so they run more quickly and consistently than they did when handled manually. However, they can lack the flexibility required for a process that may have variable sequences, paths or information requirements.

News Analysis

Cognitive computing: Life imitates popular culture

The pivotal moment in The Imitation Game when viewers knew that Alan Turing and his MI6 colleagues were going to win the day was also the moment they saw the first foreshadowing of cognitive computing—where processes were developed that used a hybrid of man and machine to attack problems beyond the understanding of either.

For confidence-driven employees: Is automated collection a cure?

E-mail in government agencies, in my experience, is supposed to be swaddled in systems under the stewardship of security and technology professionals. The user name and password is, in theory, linked to a particular individual. The messages are passed through systems designed to record, back up and monitor those under the government umbrella.


David Weinberger

Algorithmic prediction

If you want to know what a particular pattern will be after a hundred iterations, you'll have to do the hundred iterations. You can use a computer to do this and it will spit out the answer, but it too has to step through the algorithm a hundred times.

The Future of the Future

Bridging the gap between strategy and execution

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