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KMWorld Cover

March 2012 (100 Companies) [Vol 21, Issue 3]

View from the Top

ABBYY USA, Dean Tang President and CEO: View from the Top

Accusoft, Jack Berlin Founder, President: View from the Top

Acquia, Tom Erickson CEO: View From the Top

AnyDoc Software, Samuel L. Schrage President: View From the Top

Brainware, James Zubok President: View From the Top

Concept Searching, John Challis CEO/CTO: View From the Top

Content Analyst, Kurt Michel President & CEO: View From the Top

Datawatch Corporation, Michael Morrison President and CEO: View From the Top

Exsys, Dustin Huntington President: View From the Top

FTI Technology, Seth Rierson Global Practice Leader: View From the Top

Hivemine, Peter Holland CEO: View From the Top

iDatix, Steve Allen CEO: View From the Top

kCura, Andrew Sieja President and CEO: View From the Top

Marklogic, Keith Carlson, EVP & COO: View From the Top

Metalogix, Mandy Sadowski VP of Global Marketing: View From the Top

Mindbreeze, Daniel Fallmann Managing Director: View From the Top

NavigationArts, Leo Mullen CEO: View From the Top

Noetix Corporation, Morris Beton President & CEO: View From the Top

Project Performance Corporation, Mike Freeman Chief Executive Officer: View From the Top

Rivet Logic, Mike Vertal President & CEO: View From the Top

RSD, Pierre Van Beneden CEO: View From the Top

SDL, John Hunter CEO: View From the Top

Siteworx, Inc., Tim McLaughlin President: View From the Top

StoredIQ, Phil Myers CEO: View From the Top

Wall Street Network, Kristina Mazelis COO & CFO: View From the Top


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