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Biographical Information

Joe McKendrick

Author and independent researcher

Joe McKendrick is an author and independent researcher covering innovation, information technology trends, and markets. Much of his research work is in conjunction with Unisphere Research, a division of Information Today, Inc. (ITI), for user groups including SHARE, the Oracle Applications Users Group, the Independent Oracle Users Group, and the International DB2 Users Group. He is also a regular contributor to Database Trends and Applications, published by ITI.

Articles by Joe McKendrick

The State of Knowledge Management in 2023: Untapped Potential for Business Value

Dive into the current state of knowledge management and recommendations for realizing untapped potential for business value.

Information Analytics: A Great Convergence is Underway

What, above anything else, has been the greatest deterrent, the most obstinate obstacle to the practice of knowledge management ? It's been figuring out ways to sift through all the repositories, all the data streams, all the documents, and all the communications out there in order to identify and deliver the nuggets of information meaningful to the decision-maker at the moment he or she needs it…