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What's your Mobile Enterprise DNA?

A way to avoid unnecessary costs is to take a more holistic approach with a "mobile application platform." The holistic approach allows for quick deployment of content updates to all mobile applications without requiring specialized expertise. Content updates become as seamless as updating a website. Using a tool that allows you to build mobile applications without the need to invest in customized development for each mobile operating system is paramount in maximizing outreach to your users and keeping costs low. A mobile application platform approach can help you create, develop and deliver multiple mobile applications across multiple devices, and to multiple users, in the shortest time possible.

User Experience... the next "Killer App"

Native or downloaded applications are the preferred experience when interacting with back-end systems and content, particularly in secure and compliance-driven enterprises. It is important to remember that the user experience is what drives adoption of your mobile initiatives and, inevitably, the return on your mobile investments. Native mobile applications have been exponentially increasing in popularity, in part from the explosion of app downloads and the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets. The primary advantage of native applications (for both customers and developers) is the tight integration with the device platform. There are many examples, including:

  • Having access to standard contact lists and calendars;
  • Participating in centralized notification systems;
  • Having data which is accessible through system-wide search facilities; and
  • Responding to appropriate dedicated hardware controls, like music playback or volume buttons or accelerometers.

As user expectations increase, the integration between app and device becomes imperative and it is the native app that will have the capability to provide this functionality. Web apps, for example, cannot replicate certain functionalities, because their domain is that of the browser and not the device. Native apps simplify getting information directly to users and minimize the need to navigate a file system, find a bookmark, enter an address or log in to a service to find information. The appeal of apps is the quick availability of information for consumers and employees, without the hassle of a traditional Internet experience.

Compelling Mobile Applications

A mobile application platform such as OpenText Mobile Wave Platform provides a framework for businesses to create, develop and deliver long-term, future-proof mobile applications for multiple enterprise solutions and content types. With complete technology flexibility, businesses have the freedom to use existing development tools to maintain compliance, security and brand consistency across mobile applications and content by using a simple integrated development environment where mobile applications are created once and are available across all the leading devices. Maximizing adoption and exposure of your mobile applications and content is critical for success, and a mobile platform will support the creation, development and delivery of mobile applications across all the leading smartphones, tablets and handsets.

1 The International Telecommunication Union (October 2010)

2 Gartner (January 2011)

3 Chetan Sharma Consulting (July 2011)

4 ibid

5 Kelton Research (2011)

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