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Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing

Everything Old Is New Again

I'm entranced by old technologies being rediscovered, repurposed, and reinvented. Just think, the term artificial intelligence (AI) entered the language in 1956 and you can trace natural language processing (NLP) back to Alan Turing's work starting in 1950....

Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing: Knowledge Management’s Next Frontier

Text analytics and natural language processing are not new concepts. Most knowledge management professionals have been grappling with these technologies for years....

Keeping It Personal With Natural Language Processing

Consumers are increasingly using conversational AI devices (e.g., Amazon Echo and Google Home) and text-based communication apps (e.g., Facebook Messenger and Slack) to engage with brands and each other....

Data Uncertainty, Model Uncertainty, and the Perils of Overfitting

Why should you be interested in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning? Any classification problem where you have a good source of classified examples is a candidate for AI....

5 Ways Text Analytics and NLP Make Internal Search Better

Implementing AI-driven internal search can significantly impact employee productivity by improving the overall enterprise search experience. It can make internal search as easy and user-friendly as internet search, ensuring personalized and relevant results....