KMWorld 2024 Is Nov. 18-21 in Washington, DC. Register now for $100 off!

The role of IT leaders has evolved beyond just managing technology infrastructure. Today, IT departments and program managers play a critical role in enabling employee performance, embodying company culture and ultimately driving business success.

So how do IT leaders and program managers enhance organizational efficiency while improving employee sentiment?

It's simple, the right tools and strategies connect all the dots!

In this webinar, our employee experience experts will discuss how IT leaders can potentially make all the difference between unhappy underperforming teams and engaged, efficient and successful employees.

Attendees will learn:

– Where cross-functional teams, company culture and business objectives can and should intersect in the digital workplace
– The need for IT leaders to prioritize employee sentiment if they want improved collaboration, engagement and output
– Strategies on how to align your employee communication tools with key business objectives to ensure ROI

Overall, this webinar will be valuable for all IT leaders, program managers and internal communications experts who want to bridge the gap – or connect the dots – between intranet processes, increased employee performance and organizational effectiveness.

Don't miss this live, one-hour event on
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET

Register Now to attend the webinar Connecting the Dots: The Crucial Role of IT Leaders in Employee Performance.
Lisa Capra
Product Marketing Manager
Marydee Ojala
KMWorld magazine