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Taxonomies are ideal solutions for creating hierarchies of concepts. SKOS is an industry standard for taxonomies. S in KOS stands for Simple. KOS stands for Knowledge Organization System. It is also a name of a Greek island, disconnected from the mainland. When the domain matter gets complex, SKOS-based solutions may reach their limits. When you try to address all your needs with SKOS alone, like KOS, the solution becomes hard to get to – and it's time to build bridges. The purpose of this Webinar is to explain how to take the "S" out of SKOS.

If you're spending extra time and resources creating, managing and using complex taxonomies, you may need help. Do you find yourself needing:

– Richer classification than possible with SKOS concepts alone?
– Different properties and rules for different classes (types) of concepts?
– Collaboration and workflows to get the best out of subject matter experts? With version control and change history?
– Alignment and integration of different taxonomies?
– Seamless consumption by applications, such as via APIs?

In this presentation we'll discuss these key capabilities for managing complex taxonomies with SKOS-based solutions. We'll also give tips for success in using SKOS and insight into the advantages of using systems with other information architectures, such as SHACL, together with SKOS or separately.

Don't miss this live, one-hour event on
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET

Register Now to attend the webinar Five Key Considerations for Managing Complex Taxonomies.
Irene Polikoff
Co-founder and Chief Evangelist
Marydee Ojala
KMWorld magazine