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KMWorld NewsLinks - August 25, 2020


Amazon Web Services announces AWS Contact Center Intelligence solutions

AWS CCI solutions let organizations leverage machine learning functionality such as text-to-speech, translation, enterprise search, chatbots, business intelligence, and language comprehension

New version of Thomson Reuters HighQ improves project management

Adds integration with Contract Express, AI-driven contract analysis, and data visualization

InteliSecure releases security tool for Microsoft 365

Organizations of all sizes that use Microsoft 365 can now integrate their disparate security tools under one service platform in a comprehensive data protection program

KM In Practice

Merck KGaA selects Cambridge Semantics

Leading science and technology company is establishing an enterprise data fabric to support multiple data management initiatives


Smarter content connections: The key to digital business process innovation

To transform everyday business processes and create new employee/customer/supplier experiences, organizations first need to be able to link related content intuitively—and that requires unfettered inter-systems integration, an open approach to data exchange, and targeted use of AI

Cognitive Computing

The eureka moment

AI is beginning to develop some support for the thought process. As the technology improves, it's possible that AI will eventually be able to offer relationships and connections that still seem far-fetched.