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KMWorld NewsLinks - March 29, 2022


Dealing with hyperautomation in 2022

Hyperautomation is a framework and set of advanced technologies for scaling automation in the enterprise

Snowflake unveils data cloud service for the healthcare and life science sectors

Snowflake partners—including systems integrators, ISVs, technology partners and third-party data providers—are expected to leverage the capabilities of the new Snowflake Healthcare & Life Sciences Data Cloud

DryvIQ releases AI-powered platform to secure enterprise content

Dryv is an enterprise data management platform for identifying, organizing, and managing the risk contained within unstructured data throughout global enterprises

Perspective on Knowledge

Restructured reading

In a book, not knowing how you got to a page would be a sign of a failed structure. On the internet, that can be a sign of a deeply rewarding intellectual expedition.

KM In Practice

Televisión de Puebla digitally preserves cultural heritage content

Spectra Logic delivers data management software that automates the storage workflow, providing familiar access to archived data