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KMWorld Cover

April 2010 [Volume 19, Issue 4]


Google and its strategy of “meh”

"Meh" has become a way to signal indifference. In one syllable, a person in step with current lingo can say "meh," meaning "so what" or "who really cares." Feigned indifference can be maddening. Ask a Microsoft executive about Google and you get an earful. Ask Google about Microsoft and you may elicit a meh...

CRM analytics–an array of options

"CRM is a business strategy first, and at the highest level there must be a vision. After that, the organization needs to discover the best way to support the vision..."

E-mail management:
An Exchange 2010 upgrade is worth considering

E-mail is the business dial tone, and more than one-third of companies are expanding their e-mail infrastructure in 2010. Whether on computers or smartphones, e-mail is the most popular application...

Search-based applications support critical decision-making

KMWorld columnist Judith Lamont reviews the state-of-the-art in search technology, highlighting solutions that are helping enterprises support knowledge workers in making critical decisions.

SharePoint The Reality Series
Laying the foundation for your next SharePoint deployment

In our first in a series of SharePoint reality checks, we focus on the growing usage pains of a global SharePoint implementation. Those lessons apply to enterprise content management (ECM) systems as internal publishing platforms and as nest beds for collaboration through social networks, business process improvements and the repurposing of past success to optimize future efforts...

Search Roundup

... a sampler of some of the search-specific software and services vendors...

KMWorld reader poll “What would you do?”

E-Mail Roundup

E-mail management is a HUGE business challenge. E-mail represents nearly 100 percent of an organization's communications, and is thus at risk for litigation, confusion and waste...

E-mail Showcase: Autonomy

Search Showcase: dtSearch

Search showcase: Search Technologies

News Analysis

Social computing’s elusive value

Enterprise search—Can’t find what you need? Join the club


David Weinberger

Authority as a market

The Future of the Future

The Future of the Future:
Are you ready for the coming knowledge cloud?

Part of the future we are creating involves finding ways to effectively move knowledge not only from person to person and from mentor to "peeps," but from knowledge cloud to knowledge cloud...

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