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KMWorld Cover

January/February 2021 [Volume 30, Issue 1]


Looking to the future: 2021 Insight

KM teams should focus not just on pushing new technology but also on how they can better support foundational capabilities such as collaboration and expertise location in the digital workplace.

Graph databases team up with BI: It’s all about relationships

BI software, which is widely used and deeply embedded in many enterprises, can be enhanced bygraph databases that focus on connections.

Information governance 101: The regulatory compliance survival kit

Mapping data's flow throughout the enterprise is pivotal for securing information assets since it allows organizations to consider what they're trying to protect and what that requires.


Achieving a unified view for business without coding

The chief advantage of using a common data model method for business users is the codeless means by which they can define their own business logic


David Weinberger

Writing as empathy

Communication is about revealing something about the world that the other person hasn't noticed—and often hasn't been able to notice because their ideas get in the way.

The Future of the Future

The enterprise of the future: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow

Today, much of the knowledge we need is readily available. The problem is having the courage and fortitude to properly act on it.

Ethical Innovation

The rise of machine teaching

In contrast to some jobs that can indeed be automated and removed from the human payroll, KM practitioners have the potential to see their skills in much higher demand and volume in the future.

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