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Biographical Information

Allen Harris

Allen Harris, Director, Global Industries Group, Financial Services, EMC Documentum is the co-lead of EMC Software's Financial Services Global Industries Group. He is responsible for EMC Documentum's business strategy in financial services. Harris has more than 25 years of experience in almost every aspect of process improvement and office automation.

Harris has also held several senior positions at MetLife, Fidelity Investments Systems Co., Ernst & Young and other leading firms. He has been responsible for a variety of different enterprise systems including CRM, image and workflow, architecture, utility systems and records management. He has managed large budgets and large IT staffs. Harris has received a patent for the "Intelligent Document Factory Process," which supported Web-based delivery of workflow functionality to distributed call and service centers

Articles by Allen Harris

Best Practices for Best Practices for Mission-Critical Applications

Document and image processing systems enable financial services organizations to better manage mission-critical, document-intensive business processes such as loan origination, new account enrollment and claims processing. However, these systems often lack proper data protection, exposing organizations to significant financial and legal risk. How can you provide your document and image processing system with protection equal to its mission-critical status?...