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Biographical Information

Ralph Severini

Ralph Severini is the Industry Manager, Financial Services, of Hummingbird Ltd. Ralph Severini is responsible for solutions sales and marketing for Hummingbird's financial services industry market. Previously, he was senior vice president of Sungard's business integration division, vice president of Random Walk Computing and vice president of financial services for Entrust Technologies. He has also held executive positions with Sun Microsystems and CNA Financial Corp. He holds both MS and MBA degrees, as well as two professional diplomas in financial services.

Articles by Ralph Severini

The Birth of Financial Management

In an industry that produces little more than bits and bytes (albeit in gargantuan quantities), the crown jewels of the financial services industry remain the data and documents that are either kept locked up in the data center or unreachable on someone's desktop. Frequently, little is done to share these individual digital assets or tie them together into something that creates greater value for the organization and its customers....