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Biographical Information

Michael Cizmar

President & Managing Director, MC+A

Michael Cizmar is the President & Managing Director of MC+A with over 20 years of experience in software design, consulting, and technology. In addition to leading the MC+A sales team, Cizmar also oversees the company's Insight Engine practice and is deeply involved in the evangelization of next-generation search technologies, including NLP, ML, NER, and AI.

Articles by Michael Cizmar

AI is Search and everything - MC + A

A responsive and relevant search infrastructure is a requirement for any AI solution, without it, you are wasting any organizational AI investment. The capabilities that AI and LLMs offer were not possible just a few years ago. But these capabilities are only impactful if you successfully integrate them into your processes and data.

A Best Practice Approach to Insight Engines: 5 Levels of Insight Engine Maturity

Enterprise search projects start with intentions to provide ‘Google for our organization' but too often fail to deliver on that promise. In our experience, these projects fail due to a lack of sustained effort and governance. The commercialization of next-generation search technologies allows you to fulfill this promise if you take a systematic approach to implementation.