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Biographical Information

Nick Mehta

Nick Mehta leads a team responsible for product management, program management and partner programs for Enterprise Vault, a leading email and information archiving solution. As senior director of product management, Mehta is charged with product strategy, market and customer understanding, business planning, partnership strategy and go-to-market efforts for Enterprise Vault. Prior to taking on his role in the Enterprise Vault team, Mehta was director of product management for the CommandCentral family of products.

Articles by Nick Mehta

Email Discovery: Worst-Case Scenarios Versus Best Practices

Email has not only evolved into a primary form of business communication, but also has become a primary weapon in a prosecutor’s arsenal. A 2004 survey of 840 US companies, co-sponsored by the ePolicy Institute, found that 21% of respondents had had their employee email and instant messaging subpoenaed. . . .