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Biographical Information

Abdullah Daoud

Vice President of Product Management, Everteam

Abdullah Daoud leads the ongoing development and product strategy for Everteam's comprehensive ECM and iBPM products. As a business-oriented technology strategist with extensive experience in SaaS, PaaS, mobile, cloud, and web products, he brings an exceptional understanding of technology, business strategy, and how the two intertwine. His passion is helping organizations translate their strategy into technology solutions that solve complex business problems, contribute to a company's bottom line, and build consensus between business and IT leaders.

Articles by Abdullah Daoud

The Age of the Enterprise Compliance Repository

Information governance is transforming from a narrow focus on retention policies for end-state documents to a broad framework for how content of all formats is handled throughout the content lifecycle. As the hard lines between content and data blur, we've blown past enterprise content management and have rolled right into the big leagues of enterprise compliance management…