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Biographical Information

Daniel P. Ryan

Dan Ryan develops and implements product and marketing strategies to expand Stellent's global presence and market share and is also responsible for business and corporate development. Prior to joining Stellent, Ryan was vice president of marketing and business development for Foglight Software, where he led the product strategy and marketing launch of its application performance management system and championed several key strategic relationships with leading organizations such as Oracle, PeopleSoft, Rational Software, Cisco Systems, eBay and Netscape. Ryan spent 14 years in senior marketing and business development positions at Compact Devices, a leader in the Internet application market, and Sync Research, where he was instrumental in taking them from a start-up to an established wide-area networking company.

Articles by Daniel P. Ryan

Six Ways ECM Can Work for Your Business

Achieving Rapid Success with Business Process Management

Achieving Rapid Success with Business Process Management