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Biographical Information

Ute Rother

CEO, Q-Sensei Corp.

Ute Rother is the CEO of Q-Sensei and the driving force behind the Q-Sensei vision. For more than 10 years, Rother has been developing applications and services to better connect knowledge and information worldwide. In 2001, she co-founded and became managing director of the German social knowledge network Lalisio. In 2007, she oversaw the merger of Lalisio and American search specialist QUASM to create Q-Sensei Corp.

Articles by Ute Rother

Multi-Dimensional Search: Powering Data Discovery

It is a true, yet frequently repeated, cliché to say that we are living in an age of total data overload. Individuals and businesses seem to be on a never-ending search to dig through this data to find meaningful information. Struggling with multiple silos of data, dealing with structured and unstructured sources, understanding their contents and finding and correlating data all remain key priorities. Today, most businesses constrain themselves to search along a single dimension or rely on keyword or pattern-based full text search.
A new chapter is emerging in search—turning the data overload into a mother lode of opportunities in boundless search for real information. . . .