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Biographical Information

Margie Hlava

Founder, Chairman, President, Access Innovations, Inc.

Marjorie M.K. Hlava is President, Chairman, and founder of Access Innovations, Inc. Very well known in the international information arena, she is the founding Chair of the new SLA Taxonomy Division established in August 2009. She has given workshops and lectures on thesaurus development, taxonomy creation, natural language processing, machine translations, and machine aided indexing, and other knowledge organization systems (KOS) topics.

Articles by Margie Hlava

Creating explainable AI - Access Innovations

The proliferation of AI in publishing, knowledge management, and the information industry is taking hold, becoming commonplace and transparent right in front of us.

Creating explainable AI

Having watched the AI and machine learning industries blossom over the past decade, Access Innovations is in the unique seat of helping the industry create explainable AI by leveraging our Data Harmony platform.

What is a Taxonomy?

A taxonomy is a "knowledge organization system," a set of words that have been organized to control the use of terms used in a subject field into a "vocabulary" to facilitate the storing and retrieving of items from a repository. In this article taxonomy expert Marjorie Hlava tells you how taxonomy works to optimize your search results.