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Biographical Information

Dan Vesset

Dan Vesset is research manager of Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing with IDC.

Articles by Dan Vesset

Business analytics SaaS expands

Business analytics software as a service (SaaS) is gaining attention and traction in the market. Successful on-demand software vendors have been instrumental in educating the marketplace on the benefits of accessing software functionality through such a model. More and more business analytics software providers are moving to address increasing market demand for software that is updated frequently, hosted off-site and purchased on a subscription basis. Several factors will spur growth for business analytics software offered as a service...

Business analytics—a market in transition

The business analytics (BA) software market—comprised of data warehousing tools, business intelligence tools and analytic applications—has been growing steadily even as spending on business software has slowed in the past five years.

Applying KM lessons learned to business analytics

Traditional BI solutions have focused primarily on delivering information to decision makers whether at the executive or staff levels. Although there has been much progress in the speed, accuracy and presentation methods of delivering information to users, there has been little progress in extending true decision support functionality to the broader organizations.

Trends in the market for analytic applications