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Biographical Information

Ed Shepherdson

SVP, Enterprise Solutions, Coveo

As the SVP of enterprise solutions, Ed Shepherdson oversees Coveo's Knowledge 360 Solutions, with a strong focus on the company's Knowledge 360 Solutions for Customer Service. Prior to Coveo, he spent 18 years at Cognos, now an IBM company, where he most recently served as VP of global customer support. Shepherdson has also served as an advisory board member in several industry associations, including the TSIA and Service Strategies Corporation, which sets the standards for the technology services and support industry.

Articles by Ed Shepherdson

New Best Practices for the Information Perfect Storm

It's no surprise that workers, and customers, suffer "insight deficit" from the proliferation of systems, the movement to the cloud, increases in social media, multiple attempts to migrate data into "systems of record," and the growing amount and diversity of data. It's a perfect storm, and it's hitting right now. In many organizations, workers don't know what information they have. A recent survey found that the majority of executives believe their companies have visibility. . . .

Turn Disparate Customer Data into Actionable Knowledge
Enterprise Search 2.0 Powers Dynamic Customer Service Analytics

Today's support executives are awash in an ocean of data. According to the Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA), on average, its members receive more than 51,000 support incidents across phone, email, Web chat and online outlets, every month! Each of these customer interactions are filled with critical information about your products and services that could be shared across your support organization. . . .