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Biographical Information

Larry Briggi

Managing Director of FTI Technology

Larry Briggi, managing director, FTI Technology, has more than 20 years of experience developing and implementing litigation management and technology solutions for law firms and corporations. Briggi has designed several legal technology tools, including FTI Harvester, a software and services offering that provides custodian-based preservation and collection of Microsoft SharePoint data. As an e-discovery industry expert, Larry has published numerous articles and presented on e-discovery best practices at many key events including ILTA and LegalTech.

Articles by Larry Briggi

SharePoint: Not Just Another E-Discovery Repository

For companies used to conducting collection and preservation for e-discovery requests, Microsoft SharePoint may seem like just another repository. Dig a little deeper, though, and it is clear that the unique architecture of SharePoint, combined with its growing use within the enterprise, requires a special approach by legal and IT teams to ensure thoroughness and defensibility. . . .