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Biographical Information

Parature, Inc.

Parature enables organizations to better serve, support, engage with and retain their customers via the Web. Industry-leading, on-demand Parature Customer Service software provides customer service organizations with a comprehensive, multi-channel way to meet the growing expectations of their customers. With more than 10 years experience, Parature serves organizations in a wide variety of industries worldwide and helps support more than 16 million end users. Parature is among Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Fastest Growing Private Software Companies and is the recipient of numerous product, technology and leadership awards. Parature is headquartered in Vienna, VA, with offices in San Francisco and the UK.

Articles by Parature, Inc.

Five Big Customer Service Mistakes
And How to Avoid Them

Companies that are considered the gold standard for customer service wield it as a powerful differentiator, enabling them to distance themselves from competitors. There are common denominators these leading companies use to make their reputations. By adhering to best practices in service delivery, they're set up to provide a superior experience each time a customer contacts them using that opportunity to deepen the relationship, for increased loyalty, retention and revenues...