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Biographical Information

John Gonzalez

Director, Product Management and Business Development
Xerox DocuShare

John Gonzalez has more than 20 years of business experience in technology and is currently the director of product management and business development at Xerox’s DocuShare business unit. Gonzalez has held positions as VP of marketing at Content Circles, VP of product management for Clearstory Systems and VP of corporate business development for Getty Images.

Articles by John Gonzalez

Paper-To-Digital Business Process Automation
How It Affects Businesses and the Economy

Many companies across a wide range of industries collect the information they need to run their operations by having numerous paper forms filled in, routed, processed and approved. For decades, these information-gathering processes have been paper-based and manual. More recently, IT professionals or systems integrators have been able to cobble together a variety of image capture solutions and middleware with their ECM systems, sometimes with workflow capability, that together enable some form of digital process automation.Now, many organizations including financial institutions, schools, government agencies, medical organizations, manufacturers, high-tech companies and others have realized that taking the paper out of the process saves time and money. The benefits realized...

Today’s BPM for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

Business process management (BPM) became a significant topic of interest over a decade ago, yet it is still growing at a healthy pace. Last year Forrester Research estimated that BPM licenses, services and maintenance revenue would grow to more than $2.7 billion by 2009, and it may very well exceed that figure this year. Historically, BPM has been developed and deployed primarily within large enterprises to gain greater business process efficiency...