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Biographical Information

Bob Peery

Bob Peery is the director of knowledgebase product management at nGenera Customer Interaction Management, where he is responsible for shaping knowledge management products to meet market demands and quickly deliver value. Peery brings more than 20 years of experience to his role, both as a hands-on knowledge management executive and consultant to major corporations and governments on more than 300 knowledge management initiatives.

Articles by Bob Peery

KM and Customer Service Key Performance Indicators

Given the harsh economy, service organizations face enormous pressure to provide exceptional customer service at lower cost. Organizations are struggling to deliver interactions that drive customer satisfaction and retention with fewer resources and dollars. Knowledge management (KM) has repeatedly proven its ability to simultaneously improve service quality and reduce costs...

Power to the People
Getting Ready for Next-Generation Knowledge Management

Over the years, companies have developed an effective set of guiding principles for knowledge management. The best practices leading to successful knowledge management implementations have been tested and refined...