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Biographical Information

Seth Earley

CEO and Founder, Earley Information Science


Seth Earley is CEO of Earley Information Science, an information management strategy consulting firm E-mail


Articles by Seth Earley

5 core principles for successful AI/human partnerships

AI is not magic—it runs on data and knowledge

Getting more from SharePoint-Part 3: Metrics, content processes and governance policies

The prior two installments of this series on SharePoint discussed architecture and user adoption. This part will review the role of governance and content processes in SharePoint and discuss ways of measuring results to create a virtuous cycle of improvement.

Getting more from SharePoint- Part 2 Improving user adoption

With the correct approach to design and deployment and with adequate training and ongoing updates, people like and in many cases love SharePoint.

Getting more from SharePoint Part 1
Using “intranet in a box” preconfigured offerings
to get more from SharePoint, Office 365, Delve, Planner, OneDrive, Video and Power BI

Another way of adding structure to content is by defining document types. That is where SharePoint has a great deal of power.

Getting started with cognitive computing

Cognitive computing can help optimize the performance of virtual assistants.

Cognitive computing, machine learning and personalization:
New marketing constructs or new capabilities?

An emerging and related field of interest is that of cognitive computing—a catchall term to describe computers that interpret and "understand" human communications and respond with appropriate information. Apple's Siri is an example of that class of software. IBM's Watson computer famously beat a human at "Jeopardy."

A Primer on Cognitive Computing

According to technology publisher Tech Target[i], "Cognitive computing is "the simulation of human thought processes in a computerized model. Cognitive computing involves self-learning systems that use data mining, pattern recognition and natural language processing to mimic the way the human brain works."

Intelligent Search—Making the Most of Metadata

Search is a conversation. If you ask me a question and I don't understand, I can ask you for more information. With time you learn more about my interests, and can give better answers. Well-designed, intelligent search systems can do the same. We can facilitate this dialog by addressing three critical requirements for effective search. These are:
1. Search needs to feel like navigation;
2. Search needs to be personal; and
3. Search needs to be adaptive, improving over time. . . .

SharePoint 2010—From Team Tool to ECM Solution

SharePoint (SP) provides for collaboration, document management, workflow, business intelligence and more. With this range of capabilities, CIOs must determine which components to deploy and how to do so. Most critically, CIOs must decide whether SP is just a team tool or part of a larger enterprise content management (ECM) strategy with the implications of cross-organization findability, policy compliance and governance. . . .