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KMWorld Cover

July/August 2010, [Vol 19, Issue 7]


E-discovery is integral to the enterprise

Sustained by a nationwide propensity for litigation and an increasing volume of electronically stored information (ESI), the market for e-discovery software products seems destined to continue its dramatic growth for the foreseeable future...

Reducing data center power consumption

When it comes to computing, power used to be an advantage: the calculating speed of processors. But now IT managers are equally focused on power as a liability: the energy bought and managed to run those processors.

By some estimates, data center energy consumption has almost quadrupled in the past decade, as more and increasingly powerful servers are brought online to answer queries, stream content, complete transactions and perform calculations and analysis in every sector of society and the economy...

How do you know if it’s time for a new CMS?

The decision whether to replace your Web content management system should involve both business and technical considerations...

Financial services: Real-time fraud countermeasures

From the simple to complex, fraud committed against financial institutions costs them and their customers billions of dollars per year...

SharePoint|The Reality Series 4: Benchmarks for success

"I need to make sure our folks are productive every day. It's more guerilla SharePoint than the ivory tower"...

Image, forms, document capture Roundup

The market for image capture is by no means diminished, as we learned researching this roundup. This is not even close to every company in the market, but rather a representative sampler...

News Analysis

Google Search 2010: A mid-year report card

Search expert Stephen E. Arnold says Google has some work to do in making its wealth of products, services and resources more easily findable. In the meantime, buckle down and explore Google.

The payoff makes the effort worthwhile in many situations...

Not your father’s intranet


David Weinberger

Waiting for the fluid book format

Books are complex. Let's hope someday our standards live up to them...

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