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Biographical Information

Andrew Cohen, Ph.D.,

Andrew Cohen, Ph.D. is the senior director of business consulting at KNOVA Software. His team is responsible for business strategy and process re-engineering in pre-sales, implementation and post-implementation services.

Articles by Andrew Cohen, Ph.D.,

Creating Visibility into KM Programs

New initiatives in knowledge management are common in both technical and transactional support organizations. The goals are generally to improve customer satisfaction while increasing the capacity to handle cases. However, it is difficult to judge success and set strategy because of the lack of “visibility” into the effects of these initiatives. The following is a set of best measurement practices for judging new KM projects, and a metrics dashboard to augment current measurement plans. Organizations often lack the content to support their contact center’s ability to quickly answer questions or to allow customers to serve themselves.

Beyond First Call Resolution Diagnostic and Measurement Practices for KM