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Biographical Information

Gregory F.Roberts

Gregory Roberts,  AeroText Sales and Marketing, Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems and Solutions, holds a Bachelor's degree in Historical Linguistics from the University of Illinois and a Master's degree in Sociolinguistics from Georgetown University in Washington. He is also completing his PhD in Computational Linguistics at Georgetown University. Over the last 10 years, he has been working in the field of data extraction, helping to develop extraction capabilities for most of the industry's major extraction tools. His expertise has been applied to both government and commercial markets, both in and outside the United States. For the last 5 years, Roberts has been expanding the extraction capabilities of AeroText for Lockheed Martin, having played an active role in the tool's initial creation. He is now one of Lockheed Martin's leading experts in computational linguistics and data extraction.

Articles by Gregory F.Roberts

Who is That “he?” Using Pronouns and Anaphors in Text Extraction

Text extraction is a powerful tool to find and categorize elements in unstructured documents. These elements, or entities, are connected together to form the relationships, facts and events...

World-class Data Extraction

In the fields of imagery, geospatial information and remote sensing, Lockheed Martin has helped chart the course of vital national intelligence systems for more than 30 years providing geospatial intelligence systems and solutions . . . .