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Biographical Information

Paul Sonderegger

Paul Sonderegger is Endeca's chief strategist. Before joining Endeca, Sonderegger was an analyst at Forrester Research for six years. His research focused on experience design and search technology. Sonderegger's research into search included information retrieval theories and technologies. But it was examining those approaches through the lens of user experience that showed which ones actually help people find what they're looking for. In addition to publishing numerous reports on these topics, Sonderegger helped hundreds of executives apply research to solve real business problems.

Articles by Paul Sonderegger

People Judge Relevance. Machines Calculate Evidence

Does the man make the machine? Or the machine make the man? A pilot can't fly without a plane. A doctor can't diagnose without a centrifuge.

Don't Curtail the Long Tail: Lessons for Search and Information Access

The long tail was first described by Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired.1 Anderson points out that the assumptions we use to make scarcity-based decisions in the offline world are turned upside down by the Internet. Online, it costs practically nothing to add another piece of content to a collection or another SKU to a supply chain. It consumes no additional shelf-space because online shelf-space is infinite. It doesn¹t have to be held in on-hand inventory because it can be sourced at the time of an order. Similarly, serving one more user costs practically nothing. Even if taking on 10,000 additional users incurs additional costs in hardware and bandwidth, this pales in comparison to the outlay for construction, staffing and supply infrastructure for new buildings. And the potential benefits are enormous.

Searching the Long Tail

The “long tail” theory says there’s latent demand for each piece of information you create—not just the most popular ones. And with the reach of corporate intranets, portals and the Internet, it’s now possible to satisfy the long tail of demand out to the very end . . . .