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Biographical Information

Jeroen van Rotterdam

Chief Technology Officer, EMC Enterprise Content Division

Jeroen van Rotterdam currently serves as the CTO for EMC's Enterprise Content Division, setting the technology direction for the division. Previously, he was the CEO, CTO, and co-founder of X-Hive, where he raised rounds of venture capital before successfully selling to EMC in 2007. He is an EMC Distinguished Engineer and member of key EMC initiatives, including the Industry Technical Advisory Council and the FDE community.

Articles by Jeroen van Rotterdam

It’s Time for Real-Time Analytics

Particularly in highly regulated industries such as Financial Services and Healthcare, there is strong demand for real-time analytics over both structured and unstructured data. For clarity purposes, we will use "structured data" to mean the text data that can be parsed into identifiable components, such as relational records, business objects, XML data structures, and the like. For "unstructured data" we mean any binary object such as an image. Raw text without clear organization is, interestingly enough, somewhere in between the two, as we will see later…