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KANA®, A Verint® Company

Articles by KANA®, A Verint® Company

Redefining Customer Engagement in a Mobile-First World

Many companies and organizations have finally seemed to grasp how important customer service is to their business and have taken steps to improve their customer engagement. Companies are starting to take advantage of the myriad solutions available to them to enhance their customer service—email management, agent desktop, knowledge management and others.

Just as these companies are getting a handle on today's customer engagement strategies, they will soon have to make another adjustment. If companies wish to retain current customers and attract new ones, they must shift their focus from traditional customer service to mobile customer engagement. . . .

Four Tips to Optimize Search in Your Knowledge Management System

Search is a critical component of any knowledge management system. Yet, the search function of many systems returns poor results, not because of poor technology, but rather because the search function didn't anticipate the correct user behavior. The following four tips will help you optimize the search function in your knowledge management system to improve the results for your customers. . . .